Life Together
Exalting the Father
Our Sunday worship is focused on Loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength as we sing hymns and songs of praise, read Scripture, Pray for concerns and hear the Bible taught.
Engaging the World
We invite you to visit us and discover for yourself the love we have experienced from Christ.
We have several outreach opportunities each year that reach out into our local community with the Gospel of Christ.
Other ways we engage the world with the Gospel is by supporting missionaries around the world and in the U.S.
Yanger Longkumer-Nepal
Larry & Virginia McGuire- TWR
Navajo Ministries - NM
Teresa Vanderford- Bangladesh
Janice & Faye Rostvitt
South Park Food Bank
Equipping the Church
9:30 Foundations lead by Pastor Chris
9:30 Ladies study at the Thompson's
The Word On Wednesday is a weekly email devotional from Pastor Chris
Encouraging the Body
Join us each Sunday morning for Coffee & Conversation at 9:00 before our Bible Study time.
Prayer is a powerful encourager. Our prayer partners are ready to lift your life's concerns up to God in prayer.
Let us know how we might assist you in your journey.