
We are a non-denominational church ministering in the South Park region of Colorado. We are committed to Living the Cross-Life: The Life of Jesus Taking Form In and Through Us!

Welcome! You are invited to join us each Sunday at 9:00 for coffee and conversation, 9:30 for Bible Study and 10:45 for worship and teaching.

We are meeting at the Indian Mountain Community Center, 31 Keneu Ct. 

What We Believe

The Bible

We believe the Scriptures to be the inspired Word of God and the final authority for all Christian faith and life.


We believe in one God, Creator, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin. He died as a sacrifice for our sins, was buried, rose bodily from the dead, ascended to heaven and is now our High Priest and Advocate. We believe in the personal and imminent return of Christ and this hope bears witness on our personal life and service.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin, regenerates the believing sinner, indwells, guides instructs and empowers the believer.


We believe humans were created in the image of God, chose to sin, and are therefore separated from God.


We believe that the shed blood of Jesus and His resurrection provide the only solution for our sin. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead, believers to everlasting life with Christ, unbelievers to the eternal and everlasting judgement. 

The Church

We believe that the true Church is composed of all persons who through faith in Jesus Christ have been forgiven and saved from sin.

Our Mission

Our mission is to engage our culture and help them embrace the Gospel of Jesus. We live life empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to exalt the Father, encourage others, and equip believers in their faith and service to others.

The Cross Life

The life of the Christ-follower is shaped by the cross into the shape of the cross. The cross represents the life, death, and resurrected life of Jesus as He is offered in the gospel and is the soul-shaping core of the disciple’s existence.

 When the gospel is of first importance to you and Christ is formed in you then your life takes on the shape of the cross and you begin to live the vertical life of loving God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and you begin to live the horizontal life of loving your neighbor as yourself.

The Cross life is a way of being alive and doing life in the place God has planted you. It is not a program. It does not offer tips and techniques. It is not something you do only on Sundays. The Cross life is a day-in-day-out lifestyle of gospel-driven love for God and others.

Our Core Values

Loving God. Building Believers. Offering Hope. Connecting Community

 to Christ and His Church